P A R T I C I P A T O R Y . I N S T A L L A T I O N . O F . N O M A D. N A T U R E
The cabin that started its journey at Bozar, in October 2017, moves to a public library in the suburbia of Antwerp with the support of Cultural Center NOVA. New dialogues start and others are continued.
People that might never encounter each other, enter in conversation.From art scene in the center of Brussels to the local library in the working class neighbourhood of Kiel in Antwerp.
The project is documented and the dynamics followed on a diary; conversations are recorded on cassette.
"The cabin" is a wooden construction in the form of a "hut" that collects human traces on a localized space. These traces are individual expressions that, on its whole, result on a collective piece representing the collective mind of a community or collective. Inspired on public toilets, the cabin aims to re-create the same freedom of speech and anonymous status of the participants that we indeed find on the walls of some public toilets or former telephone booths. All the surfaces of the cabin are suitable to be written on, engraved and used by the public who are ultimate participants and authors of a common piece.
The cabin is against the principle of quality; a construction that feels accessible and non-intimidatory to the public. An installation non perceived as art. This accessibility is the working line that allows the development of the project: a spontaneous and free approach to the cabin. By freely linking one person with another , I seek to increase the awareness of voluntary cooperation between one person and another, without the possibility of one individual dominating another.
This accessibility is the working line that allows the development of the project: an spontaneous and free approach to the cabin. Easy mounted and de-mounted, it is meant as a nomad installation and suitable to “travel” across communities to facilitate the conversation among different collectives.